SURF 03-2018 / RAPID 6.2


DESIGN: With seven battens on all sizes available, the GUNSAILS Rapid's focus on performance is obvious.

ON THE WATER: The GUNSAILS sail distinguishes one thing above all on water: The always solid, locked feeling. Already in the phase of early planing, it is not very agile on the one hand, but hardly turns away in gusts and is particularly easy to get going. In the lower planing range, however, it is not one of the most powerful sails, but can then fully score in the middle wind range - and particularly correctly powered. The profile is slightly elastic, the leech twists very harmonic and open and the pressure point hardly moves at all. No matter how much power you generate when closing the sail - the pressure point is noticeably a little further back, the sail keeps the board nicely free, but never creates too much lift. The planing position of our comparison boards Tabou Rocket Wide 100 was free at any time and very easy to control. A result of the very calmly lying sail, which is very easy to surf despite noticeable holding forces. The price for the lightest sail it wins neither on the straight nor in manoeuvres, the strengths lie clearly in powerful, relaxed and fast freeriding.

SURF RECOMMENDATION: Very fast and highly controllable. Stable and absorbing. For speed-oriented freeriding.

+: Fast, stable pressure point, price
o: Full, less light feeling
-: Not really a manoeuvre oriented sail



DESIGN: The Rapid is the performance-oriented freeride sail from GUNSAILS. For a good performance over a large wind range, it is equipped with seven battens. For pure freeriders who are looking for a sail that is as handy as possible, GUNSAILS offers the alternative Stream. With the Rapid we know and appreciate the traditional GUNSAILS equipment with thick cloth and solid reinforcements at all corners and ends. The ninety degree twisted trim block is surrounded by the pleasantly soft GUNSAILS mast protector. When rigging the Rapid you can, as with all performance-oriented sails from GUNSAILS, make one mistake above all – not enough luff tension. The Rapid works best with proper loose leech and cannot create the deep but very harmonious profile without sufficient luff tension. In order to let the profile breathe a little, a Dacron panel was sewn in the luff of the Rapid.

ON THE WATER: The Rapid is far from being one of the real lightweights in this comparison group. If you are looking for a sail of this size with minimal weight, you should take the Stream directly at GUNSAILS. The Rapid is not agile on the water, yet well balanced and is therefore less strenuous to sail even in the non planing. With the first gust the GUNSAILS sail gets off to a good start. Although the passive planing properties are not quite in the top group due to the slightly higher profile tension, the Rapid runs free immediately and accelerates to maximum speed within the shortest time with the right angle and when pulling a bit at the boom. The speed potential of the Rapid is truly excellent and belongs to a line of the fastest sails in this group. The Rapid pushes the board comfortably onto the water and accelerates the board forward without producing too much lift. This feature makes the Rapid a suitable partner to get the full potential out of the board even under fully powered conditions. In manoeuvres the Rapid is rather slow, but for sporty jibes it can be layed down and pulled up fluently. But if you only want to do jibes with a sail of this size, you won't be bothered by the not exactly nimble handling.

CONCLUSION: The Rapid clearly falls into the category No-Cam-Freerace and thus joins an exquisite group around the AC-X, Matrix or NCX. In this group it seldom stands out in its performance, but it does not fall off either. However, the price of the Rapid is unbeatable.




DESIGN: The Rapid benefits from an outline from the race sail development, its profile is held by 7 tube battens, one of which is a cross batten. On the clew there is a slight cut and 2 differently arranged eyelets. The sail top is designed with ultra light 3mm square-ply. Up to 6.7 it is SDM and RDM compatible.

ON THE WATER: From season to season, we noticed a further development in the processing and selection of materials at GUNSAILS. The Rapid offers an elegantly appearing cloth, with its square, light x-ply material in the sail top. The small trim mark for the downhaul tension is always part of the equipment, its advantage is to give you a single, exact setting for the right dose of Loose Leech. A big plus for easier surfing. Rigged in this way, the Rapid can be handled with ease before it starts off particularly stable. In the lower wind range it develops correct performance without exaggerated power development.
The rig works perfectly and shows full acceleration and offers impressive stability. The profile is in front and pulls in the direction of travel. The Rapid is at the same time a simple and sporty sail, with which you are already fast in simple sailing. You don't have to be a racing expert, the Gun is a real freeride sail with this little plus in performance. The behaviour of your board is freed from any restrictions, the ride is fun. In the jibe it offers a good balance distribution with moderate pressure.

CONCLUSION: The Rapid is probably the most successful sail at GUNSAILS. It combines simplicity and performance, the Rapid is a sail for everyone, without headaches, but above all it has an incredible potential of perfectly controllable speed. This model is fun and user friendly from A to Z, its price will put an end to your hesitation. Above all, because the construction quality at GUNSAILS has also improved again.

+: Simplicity, trim mark, speed, stability, price
-: nothing




The Rapid is tuned by seven tube battens, has the profile more to the front, slightly less than others below the boom, has a nice loose leech, slightly less pronounced than last year and has a mast panel made of Dacron. RDM and SDM compatible.

ON THE WATER: When not planing it is a bit heavier than average, this year it appears a little softer with a little more horsepower for an earlier planing/planning through lulls and a little more pull in the arms when sailing: that's what we like. The sail offers primarily comfort and easy retrievable performance, with a good working profile on choppy water and in gusts, which simply absorbs disturbing energy so that you and the board can ride longer in a stable position. With the upper clew eye it has more zest for heavier riders in light and medium winds (more pull on the rear hand), with the lower eyelet it is more neutral on reach and down wind courses in heavy winds. It is one of those sails which, thanks to the good air circulation of the profile, are lighter in the wind and have a sensitive feeling when sailing, which allows demanding riders to use it in high wind with good control. More stable and powerful than its sister Stream with 6 battens, the Rapid is a more freerace and designed for full power rides, less handy and light in hands. The rotation of the profile in the jibe is very light and smooth, the power development when coming out of the jibe is also pleasant.

CONCLUSION: Powerful for long distance races, the Rapid remains easily accessible to a wide audience. This allows you to raise your performance to a higher level on beamreach and downwind and also sail overpowered more often and more easily. Performance increases slightly in 2018.

+: Price, performance on reach and down wind course, softness on choppy water, neutral in the wind
-: Slightly less light in manoeuvres and non-planing than average