GUNSAILS | Steven Van Broeckhoven PWA Mercedes Benz Worldcup Sylt


Hello all, here's a little sum up after two final events of the season.

Pwa in Sylt was a great event for me! We scored some good, but very tricky conditions with onshore wind and big shore brake.
During the single elimination I was using the JP Freestyle 92 with the New Gunsail Yeah 4.4 . My gear was working very good. It felt really easy even when the conditions were really hard. I was happy with my performance as well, even though I did not sail much, I was mentally strong and really focused on doing the right moves at the right moment. I managed to win against Riccardo Marca, Jacopo Testa (European champion and 3rd in PWA 2017) and Loick Spicher. In half final against Adrian Bosson I sailed a good heat so as Bosson did and I lost by 1 point: 154.4 against 155.4. In the losers final I managed to win against Sam Esteve with a solid heat. So I was really stoked to be on the 3rd place after the single elimination
In double elimination Amado Vrieswijk worked his way up in the double and beat me by 123.5 against 121.2 points.


Foil discipline. We have done 5 eliminations but I had to skip 2 of them as I wasn’t feeling well at that time. The first two races we raced in very tough conditions and I was overpowered on my 8.7, but managed to make 2 times the final. Race 5 was for me the best one as the conditions were perfect and I could finish 14th of a full fleet of more than 40.


Straight after Sylt it was time for the final stop of the European Freestyle Pro Tour at Brouwersdam.

Forecast was promising wind from the south for the whole week, so I knew it will be light and very tricky with the gusts. I prepared the big gear: JP Freestyle 101 and New Gunsails Yeah 5.6 and 5.2. Race director decided to make the best out of the light and gusty wind with longer heats and less moves counting. I managed to get to the final after winning against Vladimir Yakovlev, Antony Ruenes, Riccardo Marca and Tonky Frans.
In the final it was me against local Davy Scheffers. It was an amazing final as both of us were putting a great show. I was leading the whole heat until Davy did a chachoo one handed at the last minute, which put him in the lead. Still good result for me as it was a close battle!
For the Double Elimination the conditions where not suitable enough at the last day of the event, so the result for me was- 2nd at DamX event and a vice champion of the European Freestyle Pro Tour 2018


Happy to end my season with those 2 great events! Season started slowly because of my injury but I’m getting back in shape. Really motivated for next season for Freestyle and Foil Racing!